Most people go to Colorado, Hawaii, or some other pretty place to getaway from the stresses of everyday life.  But not us- we go to small-town Arkansas!  This is where Curt's parents live, and we love this little hideaway where no one knows us and there's really not a whole lot to do.  We enjoy our time with Curt's mom and dad, especially with the good food and many rounds of TIcket to Ride we get whenever we visit.  Here, there are no commitments to stress over, no people we have to see, no places we have to see, no pressure to do anything really.  Here, I can take it easy: I can take a prayer retreat, I can float down the river in a kayak, or I can sit on the couch in my comfy pants.  For a couple days, we can just enjoy the company of my in-laws and relax!  So yes- I will miss this place, and I will definitely miss Curt's parents.  Thanks for taking care of us when we visit!  We'll miss you dearly!


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