Curt is writing here!
Our last week in San Francisco went well.  Our last two meals before leaving the US were Vietnamese noodles, which I love, and Olive Garden with Michelle's family.  We had some good times with her family.  This is my first experience to be an "in-law", and though at times it's awkward, I am really enjoying having a second family.  I still can't call my parents-in-law "Mom" or "Dad", because it feels weird, but maybe someday.  But each time I spend with Michelle's family, I grow closer to them and I'm thankful.  They've been great at welcoming me into their family.  Unfortunately, her grandparents only speak Cantonese, and I can't communicate with them except a few phrases I've learned, like "Hello!"  "Good food!" and "No thanks!" for when they offer me more chicken feet than I can handle.
So we arrived in China, and in 2 days we'll finally arrive at our new home.  I am SO tired of boxes and luggage!  We are reorganizing our stuff one last time, and then Wednesday we'll take one more 4 hour flight to arrive at our new home.  Home!  The last 4 months, home has been a lot of places, but finally we'll be able to unpack our bags and decorate.
Some people say Americans are loud.  That may be true if we compare to Europeans or Latin Americans, but I assure you, the Chinese are louder!!  I love getting on Chinese airplanes.  There is so much hustle and bustle, so much discussion about where to put bags, or people sitting in the wrong seats, or wanting to switch seats, and it's just plain loud!  On an American flight, most people try hard to be courteous, and so you'll occasionally hear a soft "pardon me".  I laughed to myself as I heard all those Chinese students and watched the poor flight attendants try to get them all to sit down.  And at the end of the flight, they just can't stay in their seat while the plane is taxiing, causing the flight attendants to get pretty upset.  As soon as the wheels touch the ground, the seat belts start un clicking, and once the plain slows down, people are up trying to get their bags down.  What's the hurry?  I dunno.  Perhaps in a country of 1.3 billion, they know they have to act fast to get things done, or else someone else will jump in front.

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